0.2 of Something Behind the Door is out!!!

Heyo! It's been a good 24 or so days since I last spoke here, which means that I've been working on this game for 2 months now. Here’s what’s new in version 0.2!

  • Added new events! 
  • Added 3 more areas to the first area!!!
  • Replaced several assets 
  • Made the ui look juuust a but more fancy
  • Dialogue should flow a bit more smoothly
  • Added more areas to the “Prologue”
  • Mr. Cat sells more items in his shop
  • Mr. Cat has been moved
  • Enemy sprites outside of battle are no longer humanoid shadow creatures
  • Enemy sprites outside of battle move quicker
  • Changed the music for the area boss (Special thanks to my friend Jed Wu for the music!!! Go and check out his work on his channel!)
  • The first enemy you encounter should be easier to defeat. 
  • I also added an enemy which can be found near the boss 
  • New rooms in the prologue!!! (the left one isnt available for now as i ran out of time ;-;)

    And here’s some bug fixes!

    • Boss no longer has a chance of crashing the game during phase 2
    • Boss should no longer respawn if you leave the cave.
    • If you somehow get killed by ???, you will no longer be sent back to the title screen.
    • The map background now moves in most areas!!!

    Last but not least, here’s a list of current bugs that I'll get to fixing eventually.

    • Players can get soft locked at the end of the game if they talk to Elias in the wrong spot.
    • The shadows tend to glitch on lower end devices. No I don't know why that happens and if anyone knows why that happens, please let me know ;-;
    • Saving right after you enter “The Camp” and then reloading causes the intro event for that area to play again

    My main focus for this update was to make the game more fun to play, and give the player more of a chance to level up without it feeling like a chore. (I also need to present this project to my teacher tomorrow, so that was also a major focus). As always, please feel free to let me know if there’s any issues with the game either through the comments, or my discord (@I4657). There’s also my twitter, but that site is really buggy and I rarely see my dms. You could probably @ me there though!!!

    And with that all said, thanks for showing interest in my silly little passion project!

    (Ps: a few people already asked me if I’ll charge money for the full game, and the answer is no!
    My reasoning is this: I've been a fan of freeware games for a while, and while I really do want to make money by making games, I also want some of my work to be fully accessible by anyone without a paywall. I may consider starting up a patreon if people want to financially support my work, but I don't see that happening any time soon. But if you want to support me now, then I’d appreciate it if you can give me feedback, or share the game around!)


    Current version! 139 MB
    10 days ago

    Get Something Behind the Door (prototype edition)

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