First update!

Heyo! If anyone saw my post from uhhh... 2 years ago now? you didnt.

I decided to take my silly little school project out of purgatory and into the public because I may as well post something flawed instead of infinitely delaying the release of it because I know that then itll never be good enough to post, if that makes any sense.

So, here is the early release of "Something Behind the Door", though it's more of a technical test than anything special. I made this all in a month, by myself, with little to no help for... some reason. I am still working on the story- and a lot needs to be polishes. Bugs are to be expected, and I still need to figure out the combat system. Therefore, I am throwing this down here as a trial by fire, because anyone who decides to play this will surely come across more bugs than me lol.

Get Something Behind the Door (prototype edition)

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